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The Grape Harvest

The work of the vineyards and the wine are behind a social phenomenon that for centuries marked the rhythm of life in the Valle del Golfo and the island, that is, the "mudadas". Essentially, this consisted of a large number of inhabitants from the different villages of the island moving to the Valle del Golfo twice a year, in order to make the most of the scarce agricultural and pastoral resources offered by the island in general. Seasonality fixed the dates of the moulting in this economy of a markedly autarkic and subsistence character.
The mudada reached its peak in the summer, with the beginning of the grape harvest, a task that demanded and involved the greatest number of people; families, neighbours, relatives and friends gathered around farms first and wineries later, to help each other, only a few could afford to pay wages.
The grapes, cut by men, women and children, were transported by "beasts" (donkeys, mules or horses) to the wine presses in containers made of wickerwork only, or of wickerwork and reeds, depending on their purpose.
The Valley lived its great days wrapped in the sweet aroma of must; its population increased; its fields yielded fruit; i ts roads were filled with people, beasts, pigs and barrels; its wine presses and cellars awoke; its houses and squares were decorated to celebrate San Lorenzo and Candelaria; and its grape harvests were enjoyed in a family, hard-working and festive atmosphere.

El serón: wicker container used to transport the grapes from the farms to the wine press, carried by 'beasts'. It was widely used in El Golfo.

El cesto de carga: a wicker vessel also used to transport grapes, intended to be carried by a man.
Of large capacity, it had to generate a barrel of grape juice. Mainly used for places inaccessible to "beasts".

La Barqueta: wicker container, elongated in shape, generally used to transport grapes on donkeys. Little used in El Golfo.

La Canasta: a wicker and cane container, of smaller capacity than the basket, It was used especially during the grape harvest to transport the grapes around the farm to the sieves.

El cesto: a small wicker and cane container used to deposit the freshly cut grapes. Once full, it was emptied into the basket or into the basket.