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Wineyard Work

Digging up the soil with a guataca, sacho or other similar instrument, with the main purpose of removing the weeds born from the first autumn rains.
cutting or removing superfluous branches from the vines (vine shoots), so that they can bear fruit more vigorously. This work is carried out in February and March, preferably during the waning phase of the moon.

Removing the green, tender and thin vine shoot, or vine bud, from the vine, which is useless for the future production of the vine. It is mainly carried out in May and June.

Lifting or detaching the bunch from the ground to prevent it from rotting. The fork is used for this purpose; a stick of between 30 and 60 cm. with two points at one end, usually made of any wood, preferring the hardest ones, such as granadillo, rockrose, heather, etc.

Cover the bunches to protect them from the intense sunlight in July and August, to prevent them from being burnt. Fern branches are most commonly used for this purpose.

Harvesting the fruit from the vines and transferring it for crushing to obtain the must. In the Gulf, the grape harvest begins in August in the lower part and ends in October in the upper part.

These are all those actions that are applied to the vines to combat the diseases that affect them, mainly powdery mildew and downy mildew. The most commonly used products are sulphur and sulphates. These treatments are applied from the first shoots until approximately forty days before the harvest, depending on the needs of the vineyard.